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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Saratoga Springs, NY July 6-8th - Up State New York!

We made in town around 4:30 and headed straight to josh's house. His house was right by the main street of the town just down the road, and he lived in a duplex with 2 room mates. There was supposedly some party that night that was going to be fun so we just hung out on the patio till it was time to head that way. We tried to get a hotel but all of them were either booked for extremely expensive(350 a night @ a comfort inn!) so we decided we would just crash at joshes that night. To kill some time Josh showed us around town a little a bit. He took us to this cool park in the middle of town that had a bunch of cool statues in it and stuff.
 Once night rolled around we started getting ready to head out for that party. The party was about 20 miles away so we thought we should get going since it was a good distance away. As we were arrive to where the GPS said the party was it started raining like crazy and we could barely see anything on this little back road. After missing the party twice we finally pulled up to what would be one of the coolest spots we have ever been. The girl who has having the birthday party lived in this apartment above a golf shop/bar at a little par 3 course. The party was alright, it was a ton of lesbians so we thought wed go check out what was going on down stairs. This was where the real party was at!

 Down here we met a group of guys that were friends since high school and one of their dads owned the golf course so they would just stay up drinking and partying in the bar down stairs all night. In bar they had a beer pong table set up, some tv's going and a pool table. It was awesome, it feel like the real life Cheers. Here we spent the night drinking, playing pool, and having a great time with these guys. And to make it even better they knew we were under 21 but still served us anyways. Once about 2 am rolled around we decided to head home and this is when it became apparent that luke may have had a little bit too much to drink! We almost made it back to Josh's before he felt sick to put him to bed but sadly we were too late! While flying about 70 mph down the high way Luke rolls down the window and proceeds to blow chunks all over the side of the car! Since the damage was so bad we figured we should probably clean it up cause it will just be 10x worse in the morning we headed to the Gas station by Josh's house to start cleaning off the car. After digging Luke's barf out of the windows for about half an hour we finally made it back to Josh's for some much needed rest! The next day we woke up late in the afternoon and just had to relax and get rested for the 14 hour drive to chicago we had coming up the  next day.

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